

Granby Nature Preschool and Kindergarten is gratefully accepting donations to help cover the expenses involved in maintaining the program, as well as both specific items and financial help to provide materials children will need in order to fully participate in the program. These include:

natural sun screen
natural insect repellant
child-sized rain and snow boots child-sized rain coats and hats/hoods
child-sized winter jackets, mitton and
child-sized sun hats
wagons for carrying supplies
sit-upons and tarps for rainy day snack time
child-sized tables and chairs
resting mats or cots
water table
sand table
light table
wooden building blocks
signage at Holcomb Farm

We have many of these listed on our Amazon wish list which can be viewed here.



Granby Nature Preschool also invites individuals as well as businesses to participate as sponsors with donations.

Acknowledgements and Thanks                                                                                                                                                                  

Granby Nature Preschool is pleased to acknowledge the following;

Granby Education Fund for a grant to purchase multiple items to enhance nature exploration.                                                                  

Granby Land Trust for your enthusiasm, time and expertise as you share the natural wonders of the GLT properites with our children.

Sweet Pea Farm, Lost Acres Orchard, Emery Farm and Flaherty Farm for welcoming us to your farms and introducing us to your animals, fruits and vegetables, maple syrup and flowers; to Maple View Farm for assisting us with farming explorations and planting, and the Young Farm for helping us to learn about the process of making maple syrup..

Granby Parks & Recreation for the exceptional continued support of our program.

Holcomb Farm for the beautiful and mulifaceted farm and nature site which supports our program.

Granby Public Works for the enthusiasim and diligence in keeping our physical space in tip top shape.