

Granby Nature Preschool is pleased to acknowledge the following;

Granby Education Fund for a grant to purchase multiple items to enhance nature exploration

Granby Land Trust for your enthusiasm, time and expertise as you share the natural wonders of the GLT properties with our children.

Friends of Holcomb Farm for your enthusiasm, time and expertise as you share the history, natural wonders and agricultural initiatives with our children.

Sweet Pea Farm, Lost Acres Orchard, and Flaherty Farm for welcoming us to your farms and introducing us to your animals, vegetables, flowers; to Maple View Farm for assisting us with farming explorations and planting, and the Young Farm for helping us to learn about the process of making maple syrup.

Granby Parks & Recreation for the exceptional continued support of our program.

Holcomb Farm for the beautiful and mulifaceted farm and nature site which supports our program.

Granby Public Works for the enthusiasm and diligence in keeping our physical space in tip top shape.