at HOLCOMB FARM Granby, Connecticuta unique program
where our farms, woods, meadows, streams and ponds
are also our classrooms
Mission Statement
Granby Nature Preschool and Kindergarten seeks to provide a child-centered learning experience for preschoolers and kindergarteners that aligns community, farm and nature-based lessons and activities with authentic research-based educational models with reference to
Connecticut State Domains of Learning.
We believe in educating the whole child, that real learning comes from the integration of social, emotional, physical, academic and sensory areas of growth. We know that young children learn best in nature, in an experiential environment, and that deeper learning comes when they learn within the context of their towns and neighborhoods. We encourage children to investigate their world through their senses and empower them to take charge of their own learning. Our role as teachers and parents is to guide their learning by providing a structural foundation of basic concepts and skills and supporting learning through inquiry-based prompts and activities. We also believe that we can further support learning by guiding children to apply and transform their learning through music, movement and art.
News & Announcements
Thank you for visiting us! We are so glad you are here! Please excuse our appearance while we are updating our website. Social media will continue to be your best place to find the most up-to-date info! Our next Tour is in January, and Play Groups resume in February.
GNPKn offers informational tours to interested families. Tours include seeing the school and grounds and a chance to ask questions. Third Thursday of every month 11am – 12pm during the school year except September, December and April.
Free, however, pre-registration is required by clicking HERE or calling (860) 844-5289
FREE Play Group
These periodic gatherings are opportunities for a parent and their child to meet and play with others at our Holcomb Farm setting. First Friday of most months (exceptions are October, September, December and January) during the school year. 1pm – 2:30pm
Pre-registration is required by click HERE or calling (860) 844-5289
Rolling enrollment is currently closed until March 2025. Registration for the Fall will open January-Mid February. All information about program options and pricing can be found here on our website.
Child safety is our first priority. Granby Nature Preschool is a Drug Free and Weapon Free Zone
Meet our New Lead Teacher Ms. Ashley!
We are hiring!
Do you love being outside exploring in nature with young children? Do you enjoy witnessing the wonderment and excitement of young children while assisting them in a guided activity? Granby Nature Preschool is currently seeking an afternoon part time teacher, and both a long term and regular subs for the 2024-2025 school year! If interested in applying, please send cover letter and resume to

What Friends and Families Are Saying
“I am so excited and grateful you are setting the program up! This will be very helpful to me in the fall!”
“For our family Granby Nature Preschool has been a far superior option compared to day care, or “preschool” via daycare. GNP provides an environment of learning and exploring for young minds. It has helped our son with his communication skills in regards to his feelings and emotions. GNP has also helped teach him about community, teamwork, and selflessness. Their daily time spent outside in the fields and woods, regardless of weather, has been wonderful for his education on the earth and how to treat and respect it. He has taken a much bigger interest in plants and wildlife since being at GNP. Perhaps most importantly I have noticed the teachers always teaching kindness towards each other and others. They are always open to encouraging the kid’s curiosities even if it takes them off course from their planned activities for the day. Instead of putting their fires out, they stoke them. I hope to see more schools like this in the years to come.”
“I can honestly say I am truly excited for the curriculum you're assembling for our little community! You have been so wonderful with my kids and are such a beautiful soul. Your program puts my mind at ease from the stress from educating my kids during these uncertain times. Nature based curriculum is essential to the learning development of young children.”
“I can’t think of anyone more qualified to provide this educational opportunity than Judy and Amanda! It’s so inspiring and exciting. Granby is so fortunate to have you in its midst, bringing the joy of all it has to offer.”
113 Simsbury Road Granby, CT 06090
Granby Nature Preschool
West Granby CT 06090
Registration Granby Recreation & Leisure Services: Programs